Angel Readings with Peroshini

Angels are non-denominational beings who’s purpose is to guide and assist us during our earthly journey.  Angels are not restricted by time and space and can be with everyone who calls on them.  Because Angels have not chosen a physical incarnation on earth, they are without ego and can assist with our highest good in mind.  Their guidance is loving and empowering.

All Angel Readings are in MP3 (audio) format. Your reading will be between sixty minutes to two hours long (the ‘Who’s Around You’ reading is 40 minutes) depending on the number of questions and will include general messages from your Angels, the Guides and Angels working with you as well as guidance on your question(s). Angel readings are positive, upbeat, and focused on personal healing and empowerment.

Upon purchase, you will be sent a Welcome Letter to the email listed on your payment information. Your Welcome Letter will include all the details you need for your reading. After you have listened to your reading, you are welcome to contact Peroshini with any questions you may have.

Peroshini is an Angel channel and spiritual teacher with over 20 years experience doing readings professionally.  Peroshini connects with your Angels directly so you can receive their loving guidance. 

*Peroshini is not accepting medical or health readings at this time.

NEW! Archangel Michael Reading (click here)

NEW! Past Life Reading with Archangel Nathaniel (click here)

NEW! The Angels Of Romance Reading (click here)

Who Is Around You Reading (click here)

One Question Angel Reading (click here)

Two Question Angel Reading (click here)

Three Question Angel Reading (click here)

Personal Energy Alignment Reading (click here)

Readings are in MP3 audio format and will be sent to you via email once completed.  Shortly after your purchase you will be sent a confirmation email detailing when you can expect your Angel reading.  (Please allow up to 8 hours for your confirmation letter.)  Readings are performed on a first come first serve basis. Current wait time for all readings is 10 days.

Readings are service based, and therefore non-refundable.